You Are a Work of Art

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“For we are made in God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” 

I am God’s workmanship- this means I am His work of art, His masterpiece! My salvation is something only God can do! His powerful work in me- His creative work.

So let me ask you something….If God considers us works of art, why would we ever treat ourselves (or others) with disrespect or as inferior ‘artwork’? 

What does being a ‘work of art’ mean to you?

How does this make you feel about the God who created….you??

You are His treasure. His jewel. 

You are PERFECT to Him. Yes…PERFECT. When is the last time you felt even close to perfect?? Me?? It’s been a hot minute…or more accurately, maybe NEVER… 

Perfect, no…but I do feel special. I feel most special when I remember I have a gift God created ONLY IN ME to share with others. And you do too, friend. He made you uniquely equipped to serve and bless others in a way no one else on this earth can. Only You. 

  • Do you know what this gifting is?

  • Ask God to re veal His gift(s) to you!

  • Make a list of possibilities- gifts you see in yourself- go nuts! No one is there judging you, girl! Own it! ;)

  • Ask God to show you how He would have you use these gifts in your world. 

Go out today knowing that you are a special human…After all,  “you are the light of the world” Matthew 5:14


A Beautiful Mess?